jeudi 6 février 2014

Real Estate Price in China is booming!

Real Estate Price in China is booming! 

They increased by 9.1 % on average a year , exploding 20% in Shenzhen and Canton.Toujours more . The property prices in China have soared in September by 9.1 % on average a year in the 70 largest cities, according to calculations made ​​by Reuters based on figures from the National Bureau of Statistics .

The increase was never as important since January 2011. It reached 20 % in Shenzhen and Guangzhou in the south . It is 17% in Shanghai and 16% in Beijing !
Earlier this month , the People's Bank of China, the central bank decided against all odds to maintain its policy of mortgage while it was expected that it is more restrictive to avoid the threat of a bubble. Outstanding loans were in fact still jumped 20.9 % at the end of September, at 8700 billion yuan ( 1,400 billion) . But the bank probably feared a slowdown in Chinese economic growth , preferring that the government calls a " stable development " of the real estate market .

Li Keqiang has not taken new measures to cutt the prices

Beijing does not want to take the risk of an increase in GDP (Gross Domestic Product ) of less than 7.5 % this year. China calculates that this is the minimum rate that allows it to create jobs. But the reverse happened . China's GDP rebounded 7.8 % in the third quarter of this year , contradicting forecasts of a slowdown analysts. Property tax extended to other cities!
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dynamics of growth

The increase from September first shows that efforts so far to contain the outbreak , without breaking the dynamics of growth, have yielded nothing . She then revives the idea that the experimental property tax program implemented in Shanghai and Chongqing could be extended to other cities. It imposes a considerable owners of new apartments in tax from a certain area , amounting to 0.6% of the purchase price .view also

It could affect Beijing, Guangzhou and other Chinese cities. It could also affect not only new homes , but also the old . A recent government report notes that " expectations on strengthening monitoring real estate market is growing " and specifies that " long-term mechanism will be gradually put in place," notes the agency Xinhua .