samedi 10 mai 2014

Textile Industry in Beijing !

Textile Industry in Beijing ! 

The textile industry of China interest in the liver in June and June threaten Opportunity for foreign companies . It is the UN important market pay provides technology and production base in June of Key Supply For textiles and finished products . However, foreign Technologies AND WHICH ARE No Marks adequately protected often are victims of crime by Chinese Competitors . This section Treaty issues IN All Intellectual Property in the textile industry, including machinery , textile and son
Special fabrics , finished fabrics and clothes and acce ssories . The areas of Intellectual Property, more relevant to the above areas sera discussed over two parts, the first part of addressing brand s And Patents . The Second part to Follow IN The Next Issue focus on Copyright , technology transfer and trade dry nets . Trademark Textile machinery protection , Son and finished fabrics Trademark s offer protection in June against the use of similar marks on similar identiques ou products . China uses the "first - to - file ' System , which means the Québec Companies may not have legal pro protection in China and take the dare to wear Breach Others " trade brand Same if the brand already a similar e -Summer registered in China by someone else .

A record! 

Is it listening UP Eighteen A record June brand China , provided no objection Is the File d against the application on publication. Whether because China uses the "first - to - File System " for current unscrupulous parties to REGISTER Other interest of it brand s first. It May Be not process difficult and expensive to undo , to oppose ou redeem June brand Summer has already Records . IT is not rare pay import agents ou Distributors to REGISTER brand s on account of the principal. it It is recommended that the brand Either is registered in the name of the principal ou transferred to main to avoid later conflicts . In addition to the Registration UN brand In the original language , it ADVISED interest of non-Chinese SAVE distinctive language brand , even IF No Do Is Used the main brand . Although not without -

According to filcontrol, Chinese textile market is just booming. +25% per year, because of the chinese consumption. 

promoted Chinese brand! 

, the Market May create a Chinese pseudonym Product not pay , AND WHAT A nickname May be registered by unscrupulous parties exploiter reputation of your brand . Trademark OFFENCE nt May Be treated administratively by the Administration of Industry and Commerce ( AIC) e In A Civil Procedure In Popular Tribunals. IL également criminal penalties pay brand offense , although this only applies if the t rade mark
Just copy if e is the magnitude of the offense great interest. Although rare Either DE Find Completely false reports of machinery, spare parts can be exemplary . If your Ous parts of the packaging of the Company porter your brand. The textile industry of China is both a opportunity and a threat to European companies. It is an important market for provides production technologies and key supply base for textiles and finished goods . However , foreign technologies and brands that are not sufficiently protected are often victims of counterfeiting by Chinese competitors. This guide addresses issues of intellectual property through sub-sectors of the textile industry , including textile machinery , and son special fabrics , finished fabrics and brand clothing and accessories. areas the most relevant intellectual property sectors above will be discussed , as well as smaller IP issues specifically affecting managers brand clothing and accessories. most types commonly encountered intellectual property in the textile industry are :

There is no name National Register of Commerce in China . The Commercial ONM ARE registered locally in districts . IL polo N'Est Find rare reports Distributors ou agents providing maintenance services pay brande e of machinery equipment and using the mark as a trademark without authorization FILED . The Commercial ONM Who ARE in conflict with prior brand s May Be Cancelled . Trademark s should be registered, even if you manufacture BUT No sales in China
  1. China trade
  2. Filcontrol

1 commentaire:

  1. very nice article More and more, home Chinese buyers are bringing a once-rare tactic to the negotiation — all-cash offers. And, in the San Francisco Bay Area, a lot of those buyers are coming from China.
